A picture of a French Press

How to Make French Press Coffee: A Step-by-Step Guide

There's something magical about French press coffee's rich, full-bodied flavor and aroma. This brewing method has stood the test of time and is a favorite among coffee enthusiasts worldwide. However, achieving the perfect cup of French press coffee requires precision and attention to detail.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step instructions to master brewing French press coffee.

Equipment Needed to Make French Press Coffee

Before we dive into the brewing process, let's gather the necessary equipment. Here's what you'll need:

French Press

Invest in a high-quality French press that can hold the desired amount of coffee you wish to brew.

Freshly Roasted Coffee Beans

Opt for whole bean coffee, or a coarse grind coffee, and ensure it's freshly roasted for the best flavor. 

a bag of Tiny Potato Coffee beans and a french press

Freshly roasted coffee is what you always get from Tiny Potato Coffee Company! We roast our coffee when we receive your order! 

Coffee Grinder

A grinder is recommended to achieve a consistent coarse grind.


You'll need a kettle to heat water to the appropriate temperature.


A timer will help you monitor the brewing time accurately.

Stirring Utensil

A long spoon or paddle for gently stirring the coffee and water.

Mug or Serving Vessel

Have a coffee mug or serving vessel ready for when your french press is complete.

How to Make French Press Coffee: Step-by-Step

Now that we have our equipment ready, let's proceed with the brewing process:

Step 1: Measure and grind the coffee beans

Begin by measuring the desired amount of whole bean coffee and grind it to a coarse consistency. The ideal coffee-to-water ratio is 1:15, meaning 1 gram of coffee per 15 milliliters of water.

Step 2: Preheat the French press and mug

Preheating the French press and mug will help maintain the coffee's temperature. Fill the French press with hot water and let it sit while you move to the next step. Similarly, pour hot water into the mug and let it warm up.

Step 3: Add coffee grounds to the French press

Discard the preheating water from the French press and add the ground coffee. Shake or tap the French press gently to level the coffee grounds.

Step 4: Pour hot water over the coffee grounds

Heat water to the appropriate temperature, usually around 195-205°F (90-96°C). Slowly pour the hot water over the coffee grounds in a circular motion, ensuring all the grounds are saturated.

Step 5: Stir and steep

Use a stirring utensil to gently stir the coffee and water mixture. This step helps achieve an even extraction. Place the plunger on top of the French press but do not press it down. Set a timer for the desired steeping time, typically between 3-4 minutes.

Step 6: Press down on the French Press

Once the timer goes off, slowly press the plunger down, applying gentle and steady pressure. This separates the brewed coffee from the grounds. P

Step 7: Enjoy your French press coffee

our the coffee into your mug or serving vessel, leaving the remaining coffee in the French press. To fully experience the flavors and aroma, serve the coffee immediately. French press coffee is best enjoyed without delay. If desired, add any additional ingredients such as sugar, milk, or cream.

French Press Tips

To enhance your French press coffee journey, consider the following tips:

  • Use freshly roasted coffee beans: Freshness is key to capturing the coffee's nuanced flavors. Purchase whole bean coffee and grind it just before brewing.
  • Experiment with coffee-to-water ratios: Adjusting the ratio can significantly impact the coffee's strength and flavor. Start with the recommended 1:15 ratio and adjust to suit your taste preferences.
  • Adjust the grind size: Coarseness is essential in French press brewing. Experiment with grind settings to find the balance between extraction and avoiding sediment in the cup. Did you know that all Tiny Potato Coffee is available in a coarse grind? 

Common French Press Problems

Encountering some hurdles along the way? Here are solutions to common French press coffee problems:

  • Coffee tasting weak or watery: Increase the coffee-to-water ratio or extend the steeping time slightly to enhance the strength of your brew.
  • Coffee tasting bitter or over-extracted: Reduce the brewing time or use slightly cooler water to avoid over-extraction, which can result in bitterness.
  • Coffee grounds ending up in the brewed coffee: Consider investing in a higher-quality French press with a more effective filtration system. Alternatively, pour the brewed coffee through a fine-mesh sieve before serving.

Time to Start Brewing French Press Coffee at Home!

By following these step-by-step instructions, you are well on your way to mastering the art of French press coffee. Remember to invest in quality equipment, use freshly roasted beans, and experiment with different variables to find your perfect cup.

With practice, you'll discover the joys of this brewing method and savor the rich, aromatic flavors that French press coffee delivers. So, grab your French press and embark on a delightful coffee adventure.

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